Sunday, June 26, 2011

HappyBirthdayLaMonique ♥


Since 8th grade..


Our son Zion (: [My Godson]

This girl has my heart. I love her soooo much and this post is dedicated to her for her 20TH birthday!
Thats right. We've been bestfriends since we were 13 and here at 20!
We have definately had our ups and downs but our friendship can beyond outstand anything we go through.
She got pregnant, I got sad. And I cried. I was jealous there was gonna be two people closer to her then me.
I actually went like a little baby and told my dad "daddy laquatida is having a baby without me):" He didnt say much lol he understands our weirdness. But anyway I got over it because now we have my beautiful Godson Zion who is just the sexiest EVARRR. We are long distance at the moment but theres not a day that goes by that I dont think about her. I miss her so much its sick.. She understands me and I understand her we just work out. I accept her for her as she does me. I just cant believe we are 20 now. When we get together we still act like we are 13 lol we act like giddy little preteens making eachother laugh hella hard in our pictures on picture day. Those were the good days.. less responsibility less drama less everything.. more living loving and laughing. This post is just to say happy birthday to her. My FIRST real love and my foreverrrr love I miss you and love you so much monkey butt ♥ Kiss Kekoa for me!


  1. aww.. this made me cry i feel so speial and loved it all i ever wanted this is my favorite bday gift ever thanks my love you mk everything better:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  2. What a sweet post!! =]

    Kimberly, FWB

  3. i have a best friend like this. but weve been friends since birth. this post was really touching. me n my best friend aren't this emotional w/one another though. very inspirational.

    thanks for subscribing to my blog! :)
